
The transformational power of pleasure.

How do you naturally find pleasure in your body?

Together we will Lovingly design the best combination of practices to help you transform in the ways that nurture your individual way of growing, transforming, and being in your pleasure. Following is a list of some of the ways we can experiment, all within a culture of 100% consent.

And, if it feels good, we are doing it right.

If it does not feel good, we can explore other practices that are more supportive.

 Emotion Code Love

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What is Emotion Code Love? 

A gentle, non-invasive method to release trapped emotions, according to Emotion Code creator, Dr. Bradley Nelson:

“The Emotion Code is a self-help method that quite often produces marvelous results and wonderful benefits, both physical and emotional in nature.”

Book your Emotion Code session today!

(Note: The Emotion Code is not meant to diagnose the presence or absence of any particular mental, physical or emotional ailment.)

Embodied Movement Love


What is Embodied Movement Love?

Sessions last about 60 minutes and are personalized to your body's needs and desires. 

I hold impeccable space and, through gentle questioning, encourage your body to release all that it is holding on to which may be contributing to tension, stress, or unfulfillment in a variety of areas in your life.

This is a sacred container where your most intimate musings can take physical form.

Book an Embodied Movement session today!

Chakra Meditation Love


What is Chakra Meditation Love?

Sessions last about 60 minutes. 

Initially, this includes a “tour” of the chakras and how they dance through our lives. We will look at which chakra(s) may need some support through imagery, sound, movement, etc. This is a fun, playful, exploratory, and profound experience.

Followup chakra meditation love can take on many different forms as we dive deeper in to personalized support.

A Chakra Meditation Love session can occur in-person, by phone, or even by Zoom.

Book your Chakra Meditation Love session today!

 Access Bars

What is Access Bars Love?

What if the purpose of life is to have fun? And, if that is the purpose - are you having fun? Would you like to have more fun? What else is possible?  Access Bars is a gentle hands-on modality that was introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s. The Bars® are 32 unique points on the head that correlate to different areas and aspects of life. During an Access Bars session, I gently touch these points to release the electromagnetic charge of all thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, and beliefs that may have limited you in the concerned life areas. And what do you do? Nothing. You just rest on the massage table, fall asleep, snore, talk to me, day dream, you simply relax in to any sensations that arise. When you get up from this 60-minute experience you will likely feel refreshed and “unburdened” in a way you never imagined.

Today Access Bars is practiced in over 170 countries world wide, used as a potent and pragmatic tool by families, schools, businesses, athletes, prison wards, psychologists, artists and many more.

After just one session you will deeply connect with the phrase: "All of life comes to me with ease, joy, and glory." And, you will have practical tools to use on a daily basis to continue having fun, being healthy, and laughing freely.

Book an Access Bars session today!

 More Love

doTERRA essential oils Love

doTERRA essential oil is pure. There are no contaminants, fillers, or adulterations. The essential oil industry did not have standards to ensure purity, so doTERRA created one. Their oils must pass tests. If an oil passes the tests, it’s labeled as CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®. When you see the CPTG® label, you know you’re using the purest essential oils on the market.

How Do Essential Oils Work?

Every essential oil varies in its natural makeup, so aromas and benefits are also unique. For example, Lavender oil includes elements that make it effective for soothing skin irritations, reducing anxiousness and feelings of tension, and promoting a restful environment for sleep.

Meanwhile, Frankincense oil supports immune, nervous, and digestive systems.

Click for more information about doTerra or book a complimentary discovery call to learn more about your options.